Joseph Kaplan

Joseph Kaplan

Joseph Kaplan


Joseph completed a BSc Honours degree at the British School of Osteopathy in London, developing a deep understanding of the anatomy, bio-mechanics and physiology of the human body, and of its pathologies and dysfunctions, fundamental to diagnosis and treatment of patients.

From the outset, Joseph showed a specialist interest in the treatment of sports injuries, and since qualifying, has been involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of Olympic athletes, professional footballers, boxers and other high-profile sportsmen and -women. Joseph took on a position with the The MMA Clinic, treating professional fighters specialising in a variety of martial arts which led to working with Total Boxer to develop BoxingYoga for athletes, focusing on injury prevention and implemented with some prestigious clubs. This background lead him to become affiliated with high profile sports gyms and private members clubs such as KX.

As well as high profile patients and those in the sports sector Joseph treats general patients from all walks of life; including those in other specialised fields, such as pregnant patients during active phase of pregnancy leading to child birth and the aftercare so mothers can return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible. With special treatment tables to cater for your pregnant body it means that you can relax fully and get the most out of the treatment.

As an Osteopath, Joseph is committed to providing exclusive, tailor-made treatments of the highest standard, including, as part of the treatment package, providing sound (direct and written) clinical explanation and advice. He regards it as fundamental to recovery and secondary prevention that his patients understand in detail the nature of their problems and what they need to do to get back to normal activities as quickly as possible.


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